الغة الانجليزية

The General Objectives of Teaching English
  • By the end of the Intermediate Stage and within the assigned structures and vocabulary for this stage, pupils should be able to:
  • 1-Learn the basics of the English language that would form the foundation for mastering the English language in the future.
  • 2-Use the English language structures.
  • 3- Learn the assigned vocabulary for this stage that would enable them to express themselves in different life situations.
  • Listen and understand English language.
  • 4-Express themselves orally using correct English.
  • 5-Read and understand English written material.
  • 6-Write a short guided paragraph.
  • 7-Be aware of the importance of English –as an international language of communication- for benefiting from the achievements of other cultures in accordance with Islamic teaching; through texts
  • Be aware of the importance of English –as an international language of communication- for introducing Islam, our culture and cultural achievements to the others
General Goals of Teaching English
  • 1. To contribute to student’s intellectual, personal and professional growth.
  • 2. To enable student to acquire basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
  • 3. To develop student’s awareness of the importance of English as a means of international communication.
  • 4. To develop student’s positive attitude towards learning English.
  • 5. To enable student to acquire the necessary linguistic competence required in various life situations.
  • 6. To enable student to acquire the linguistic competence required in different professions.
  • 7. To develop student awareness about the cultural, economic, and social issues of his society and prepare him to participate in their solutions.
  • 8. To develop the linguistic competence that enables student –in future- to present and explain Islamic concepts and issues, and participate in spreading Islam.
  • 9. To enable student linguistically to present the culture and civilization of his nation.
  • 10. To enable student linguistically to benefit from English-speaking nations, that would enhance the concepts of international cooperation that would develop understanding and respect of
  • 11. To provide student with the linguistic basis that would enable him to participate in transforming other nations’ scientific and technological advances that can enhance the progress of
English language Skills
  • • Ways of learning skills
  • To learn a foreign language ,you should be aware of its main skills to enable you to deal with the language logically. For example, we should be care of listening,speaking,reading and writing. لفهم أي لغة أجنبية عليك إدراك المهارات الأساسية حيث تمكنك بكيفية التعامل بعقلانية مع هذة اللغة فعلى سبيل المثال عليك إدراك الإستماع,التحدث/النطق ,القراة ثم الكتابة
  • • Listening
  • To be a good listener,you should listen to tape or English programme twice,then try to repeat some parts after that you can answer some pre- listening questions.Teacher can set overall discussion about what they have listened.Finally, ss can listen to check their comperhensive of the listening part.لكي تكون مستمعا جيدا عليك الإستماع إلى شريط كاستأو برنامج لغة إنجليزية مرتين ثم محاولة تكرار بعض الجزاء أو غجابة أسئلةسمعية مسبقة ثم يضع المدرس مناقشة عامة عما أستمعوا لة الطلب وأخيرا الأستماع مرة اخرى لتعميق الفهم
  • speaking
  • Listen and say , Listen and repeat ,listen and answer, listen and match or listen and fill in spaces.To be accourate in speaking language,you should practise language in real situations.Let students communicate with each other through dialogues to replace alive situations.إن مواقف المخاطبة تشمل :أستمع وقل,أستمع وكرر,أستمع وأجب أستمع وصل,أستمع وأملئ الفرغات ولكي تكون متقن اللغة عليك ممارستها في المواقف الواقعية فأجعل الطلب يتفاعلون خلال المحادثاتالتي تمثل مواقف حيوية
  • • reading
  • Students should read small parts, then longest parts.For comprehension passage,teacher should set some of pre-reading questions .through discussion ,students can answer them.After that intensive reading for new vocabularies and comprehenion questions.So this type includes silent and aloud reading.يقرأ ال طلاب الأجزاء القصيرة ثم الأطول أما بالنسبة لقطع الفهم فتوضع الأسئلة المسبقة للقراءة لكي يجيب عليها الطلاب خلال المناقشة ثم القراءة المكثفة لتحليل والمفردات وأسئلة الفهم وتتناول القراءة الصامتة والجهرية
  • • writing
  • Students should train to write on the line ,showing them the mechanics of writing: spelling, capitalization,punctuation, paragraph ,intention leaving spaces between words.Students need to understand ;paragraph writing, letters or e-mails.يجب أن يتمرن الطلاب علي الكتابة على السطرموضحا لهم ألية الكتابة:مثل التهجى وضع الحروف الكبيرة والصغيرة والترقيم والموضوع اإتجاة ميل الكتابة وترك المسافات بين الكلمات فالطلاب يحتاجون إلى معرفة كتابة الموضوع والرسائل والرسائل الإلكترونية

Some proverbs and its meaning in English
  • A good beginning makes (for) a good ending
  • Meaning: Planning is the key to success.
  • A good man in an evil society seems the greatest villain of all
  • Meaning: society is what makes good good and bad bad
  • A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  • A little Learning is a dangerous Thing
English Proverbs
·                                 Cleaness is next to godliness
النظافة من الإيمان                                                                                                         
·                                 A tree is known by its fruit
تعرف الشجرة من ثمارها                                                                                               
·                                 Charity begins at home
الأقربون أولى بالمعروف                                                                                                
·                                 Beauty is skin deep
الجمال جمال النفس                                                                                                        
·                                 The proof of the pudding is in the eating
عند الامتحان يكرم المرء أو يهان                                                                                       

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